We are the ‘Grupo Avante’, we encompass the companies 'GSM Mineração', 'Ferro Puro Mineração' and 'GSS'.
Our headquarters are located in ‘Vale do Sereno’ and our operational units are in ‘Nova Lima’, ‘Barão de Cocais’, ‘Itabirito’ and ‘Santa Bárbara’.
The sustainable and social development of our communities is essential, which is why we carry out activities with respect and transparency.
To achieve operational success, we count on our pillars of support, which are essential for the smooth running of our activities.


• Most precious asset;
• Valorization;
• Organizational climate;
• Belonging (feeling of ownership);
• Honesty and transparency;
• Ethics and respect.
Most precious asset! Valuation, organizational climate, sense of ownership, ethics, respect, honesty and transparency make this pillar our priority.

• Respect for life;
• Mutual care (genuine);
• Attitude;
• Be an example and give the example;
• Compliance with legal requirements (comply with procedures);
• See, act and do not neglect.
Work on behalf of people and focused on respect for life, reducing or eliminating the risks involved in the execution of tasks. Genuine care, attitude, procedures, example, and seeing and acting make everyone take care of security and make it happen.

• See, act and do not neglect;
• Sustainable development;
• Comply with procedures, rules and conditions;
• Environmental education.
Set of actions aimed at meeting legal obligations, with social and environmental awareness and respect, ensuring development in a rational and efficient way.

• Empathy;
• Respect and transparency;
• Sustainable and social development;
• Relationship with harmony.
Carry out activities with respect and transparence, pursue the community development and potentialization of existing projects, aiming at sustainable and social development, understanding the particularities of each community through good relationships.